Fully Loaded

As you now know — and I can’t stress this enough — I love having a calendar that’s merely dotted with activity. Truth be told, I’d prefer it be completely devoid of any and all obligations, with nothing but pop-up requests and spontaneous fun outings.

Which is strange, considering any deviation from my precious plan causes a momentary complete and total freak-out. I’m a rich tapestry.

This morning’s square was, for me, mind-bogglingly full. I worked in Bridget’s class, then went to bible study, then met with a repairman, then worked in the school library, then picked up the week’s CSA share, picked up the kids, and started dinner.

Actually, I started dinner this morning, after I’d already told the kids to get in the car, but before I made myself a slice of raisin toast for breakfast. Thank you, slow cooker! (This is a really terrific recipe, by the way. Super easy and the sauce is de-li-cious.) Then I went back into the house for my bible for the aforementioned study.

And you know what? It was a good day!

You know what else? I have so much trouble making the most of the downtime between each thing. For instance, there was a free hour between the morning and afternoon appointments, but I found it hard to do much. Same for the afternoon. I had to make myself do something productive, just so I wouldn’t be kicking myself at the end of the day. Know what I did? Finally sent out the not chain letter but totally chain letters that have been sitting on the table for a week. (The original arrived the week before school started, which is why it received exactly NO attention those first two weeks. I don’t know why this is — I just felt too busy to think about it, you know?) Ah! Such a relief! I hate when the stuff hanging over my head involves the kids, mostly because it begs them to keep gently reminding me…and then not so gently…and then they’re exasperated and puzzled. I have no reply for that, which is why Bridget’s coloring contest picture that has to be postmarked by the 10th will be going out tomorrow.

In fairness, it has only been sitting on my desk for four or five days, and had some vague instructions that hung me up. All things considered, this is definitely an expedited response.

3 responses »

  1. I hate having a loaded calendar, too, but I do better with things scheduled than a bunch of pop-up requests. I am definitely going to try that pork loin soon!

    • You know, the real problem I have with having things on the calendar is the fear that something’s going to go wrong and I’ll have to cancel. So much anxiety, and for what? Life happens! I sure hope you like the pork loin. The meat comes out so tasty and the sauce — that sauce!! I had leftovers in a salad for lunch yesterday, and that was almost better. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

  2. It’s funny – I am the same way. I hate having a full calendar, I’m not a fan of spontaneous either, but at least it saves me all the agonizing 🙂 Those in-betweens, if you only have an hour or less, that is always hard. If I am lucky, I empty the dishwasher or start a load of laundry…. And I have made a decision NOT to beat myself up over it later…. Give yourself a break sometimes too!


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